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Books - HaDarom


Honoring the myriad contributions and legacy of HaRav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz ZT”L, cRc Av Beth Din for over 3 decades, to the spiritual and intellectual life of our community and the Jewish world. The hard-bound volume, edited by Rav Yona Reiss, contains over 50 teshuvos by Rav Schwartz, as well as a collection of additional Halakhic essays by leading Rabbonim.

Buy Now Hardcover: $20.00
If buying outside the continental United States please call our order line at 773-250-5499.

Books - Kanfei Yona

Kanfei Yonah
by Rabbi Yona Reiss

Kanfei Yonah, Rabbi Yona Reiss’s newly published sefer, is a collection of essays and responsa relating to a variety of contemporary halakhic and hashkafic issues. Among the many subjects included in the sefer are pre-nuptial agreements, agunah and mamzerus issues, geirus questions, Beth Din procedures, and contemporary commercial disputes. Divrei bracha for the sefer are given by many Rabbonim including the two current Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rav Yitzchok Yosef and Rav David Lau, Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, and Rabbi Dovid Zucker.

Buy Now Hardcover: $17.00
If buying outside the continental United States please call our order line at 773-250-5499.

Book- Shemittah

Bitul and Blios
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

Select applications of Hilchos Basar B'chalav and Hilchos Ta'aruvos as they apply at home and in commercial food establishments.

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Book- Shemittah

Animal Products
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

The kosher status of foods, medicines, coatings, and other items produced from kosher and non-kosher animals, birds, and insects, organized according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 81, 86, and 115.

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Book- Shemittah

by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

A systematic analysis of Shulchan Aruch OC 451 and 452 as a means of developing appropriate methods of kashering in the home and industrial settings Includes practical piskei halacha from the cRc Beth Din.

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Book- Shemittah

Meat and Poultry
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

Contemporary issues relating to the procurement of kosher meat and poultry on an industrial scale.

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Book- Shemittah

Hafrashas Challah
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

The halachos of hafrashas challah in a home or industrial settings, arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 222-230.

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Book- Shemittah

Alcoholic Beverages
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

The halachos of alcoholic beverages, wine, and grape juice as they apply in the modern era, arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 114 and 123. This sefer explores the kashrus issues of well-known products such as wine, Scotch, bourbon, hard apple cider, and beer, as well as other less familiar ones such as sake, mead, vermouth, and piquette. Other non-alcoholic grape products which are also discussed include grape juice, grapeseed extract, enocianina, cream of tartar, and vinegar. The sefer is structured according to the order of Shulchan Aruch and accordingly will "digress" to other kashrus topics connected to the rulings of Shulchan Aruch. This includes chapters on Pesach medicine lists, vegetable oil from plants which process animal fat, tuna fish without hashgachah temidis, attending office parties, and liquid medicines without hashgachah.

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Book- Shemittah

by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

The halachos of shemittah with special emphasis
on how they apply to consumers in chutz la'aretz

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Book name Pas Yisroel and Bishul Yisroel

Pas Yisroel and Bishul Yisroel
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

Modern-day Applications of the Halachos of Food Prepared by a Non-Jew.
Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 112-113.

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Book- Tevillas Keilim

Halachos of Tevillas Keilim
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

Classic halachos of tevillas keilim as they apply to
modern utensils and situations.
Arranged according to the order of Shulchan Aruch YD 120 & 202.

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Book- Halachos of Insects

Halachos of Insects
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

A systematic analysis of Shulchan Aruch YD 84 as a means
towards developing appropriate methods of vegetable
washing and inspection

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Book - Food Service

The cRc Food Service Mashgiach Guidebook
by Rabbi Dovid Cohen

A collection of postings that Rabbi Dovid Cohen made six days a week for a year to cRc Food Service Mashgichim on their WhatsApp group. Those posts have been collected and are printed in this book, with a few additions.

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Chicago Rabbis Book

Chicago Rabbis: Visionaries, Pioneers, and Leaders
1847 – 1950

by Rabbi Moshe Kushner, z”l

This collection of 99 biographies with over 300 photographs of Chicago Rabbis tells the story of Torah Judaism in the city, and shares the inspiring legacy left by the rabbinic leadership of the era. This was the final project of Rabbi Moshe Kushner, z”l, a dedicated son of Chicago who served in many communal leadership capacities, including that of Executive Director of the Chicago Rabbinical Council.

Buy Now $35
If buying outside the continental United States please call our order line at 773-250-5499.

Book name Shaarei Gedulah

Shaarei Gedulah
by HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz

A selection of Torah lectures, halachic overviews, and historical insights of the beloved Av Beth Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council
This sefer includes a biographical sketch of HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, a compilation of lectures HaRav Schwartz delivered on American Orthodox Jewry, and a collection of the Rav’s teshuvos, originally published in a column entitled, “Ask the Rav.” The sefer concludes with two detailed halacha shiurim on the halachos of wanton destruction of property and triage in halacha.

Buy Now $25
If buying outside the continental United States please call our order line at 773-250-5499.

Book- Shemittah

Sherry Casks: A Halachic Perspective
By Rabbi Akiva Niehaus

Sherry Casks: A Halachic Perspective is a groundbreaking work which researches the complete Scotch production process, focusing on maturation in sherry and other wine casks. The first full treatment on the usage of wine casks and its impact on the kosher status of Scotch. Paperback, cream pages, black and white photos. Originally published in March 2012.

Buy Now Paperback: $13.49
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Book on Yichud

Sefer Zichron Menuchah - Practical Halachos of Yichud in the Home and in the Workplace
by Rabbi Ephraim Friedman, Dayan, Chicago Rabbinical Council

A clear, concise guide for numerous situations
Topics include those with whom yichud is permissible, at what age does the issur begin, dealing with babysitters, domestic help, doctor visits and more.

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Book - Ahavas HaGer

Ahavas HaGer- Loving the Convert: Converts to Judaism and our Relationship with Them
by HaRav  Gedalia Dov Schwartz  Compiled and
Edited by Rabbi Hertzel Hillel Yitzhak

This booklet deals with topics such as the commandment to love converts and the prohibition against taunting or oppressing them. It includes personal statements from converts, questions and answers, and references and citations.

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Kashrus Cards

Kashruth Cards

This wallet-size reference card presents many common kosher symbols
that the Chicago Rabbinical Council accepts, and is a wonderful resource for

[Please note that there is not an implication that hashgochas
not on the card are not acceptable, nor does appearance on the
card negate the need for further inquiry regarding
complicated situations, such as Pesach and cruises

Sold in packs of 10.

Buy Now $10
If buying outside the continental United States please call our order line at 773-250-5499.


Thrip Cloth

Fine silk cloth used to check vegetables for bugs

Buy Now $19


HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, ZT"L
Rosh Beth Din

HaRav Yona Reiss, Shlit"a
Av Beth Din


Rabbi Sholem Fishbane
Kashruth Administrator

Rabbi Levi Mostofsky
Executive Director

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